🚀 Enhancement
- Add rudimentary duecredit support using zenodo's dandi-cli DOI #285 (@yarikoptic)
🐛 Bug Fix
- BF: add h5py.version into the list of tokens for caching #284 (@yarikoptic)
- change from disease to disorder #291 (@satra)
🏠 Internal
- Fix publish-schemata workflow #290 (@jwodder)
- updated just models #287 (@satra)
- Add workflow for publishing model schemata to dandi/schema #276 (@jwodder)
- DOC: strip away duplicate with the handbook information #279 (@yarikoptic)
Authors: 3
- John T. Wodder II (@jwodder)
- Satrajit Ghosh (@satra)
- Yaroslav Halchenko (@yarikoptic)