Here is place that I will show the way how to install packages, libraries, framework
- Install nodejs
- Install composer
- composer create-project laravel/laravel my-laravel
- php artisan serve
- npm install -g @vue/cli
- vue create my-vue
- npm install --global vue-cli
- vue init webpack my-vue
- npm run serve
- npm run dev
- install laravel first
- composer require laravel/ui
- php artisan ui vue
- php artisan serve
- npm install && npm run dev
- Your computer must be windows 10 professional and Enterprise edition
- Or you can follow to see the way to open Hyper-v for windows 10 home
- When you setup docker, it will give you instruction to setup, if you get errors, you can search it on google
- Your docker desktop must be running
- docker-compose up -d --build
- docker ps
- docker exec -it /bin/bash de log vo container
- docker-compose down khi khong can dung, de tat cac service
- npm install -D sass-loader node-sass
- npm install sass-loader sass webpack --save-dev
- Installed Nodejs
- npm install -g less
- lessc style.less style.css
- Install Nodejs
- npm install -g sass
- sass style.sass style.css