Features Added
- extend Scheme URL Params => Proposal Templates to Competition proposal & competition submission
- top three boosted proposals shown on plugin cards are now sorted by when they were boosted, descending
- custom DAO landing page data for the SOS Hackathon
- enable Competition proposals and Competition Submissions to have embedded videos in their description
- allow "Recipient address" in proposal form to be empty (and be populated with proposer address)
- enable Redemptions dropdown menu to automatically update with blockchain changes
- show Redemptions tooltip on Redeem button when the button is disabled
- add new ENSPublicResolver GenericScheme target contract
- page the fetching of preboosted proposals at 100 per page
- remove redundant New Proposal button on the Plugin Proposals page
- improve description of plugin permission Mint and Burn
Bugs Fixed
- fix erroneous reputation and GEN redemption sums in Redemption dropdown menu cards
- enable voter 3Box profiles to always all show in proposal Voters popup
- fix GEN label position in staking popup
- fix proposal status countdown when the number of days exceeds 30
- improvments to the All DAOs layout, the DAO sidebar on mobile, the mobile dropdown with no DAO selected, Proposal Details page, DAO Landing page on mobile
- fixed bug on proposal History page when displaying voting results and YES got 100%
- reject displaying proposal in the context of a DAO that wasn't responsible for creating it