The command line version of MOSIP's pre-registration website.
Clone the repository to any location on your PC an double-click the mosip_pre-reg-run.bat
- Open the location of the cloned repository on PC in terminal.
- On the terminal type
cd "mosip_pre-reg/target"
. - On the terminal type
java -jar mosip_pre-reg-1.0.jar
- config.json - Get website url.
- config - Get website configuration.
- eng.json - Get english text.
- sendOtpWithCaptcha - Post login request using captcha.
- validateOtp - Post OTP from captcha and validate to authenticate user login.
- applications - Get a list of all open applications for the given user.
- consent - Get consent text.
- formPage0 - Get details of first page of form.
- formPage1 - Get details of second page of form.
- eng (Regions) - Get a list of all available regions.
- eng (Provinces) - Get a list of all available provinces within a given region.
- eng (Cities) - Get a list of all available cities within a given province.
- eng (Zones) - Get a list of all available zones within a given city.
- eng (Postal Codes) - Get a list of all available postal codes within a given zone.
- {applicationId} (Details) - Get, Post, Push, Delete details of the given application ID.
- {applicationId} (Documents) - Get, Post, Push, Delete documents uploaded to given application ID.
- getApplicantType - Post using application details to determine applicant type.
- languages - Get the different forms of identity proof applicable to the applicant type.
- eng (Region Info) - Get info on given region.
- eng (Province Info) - Get info on given province.
- eng (City Info) - Get info on given city.
- eng (Zone Info) - Get info on given zone.
- eng (Postal Code Info) - Get info on given postal code.
- eng (Location Info) - Get all location masterdata.
- names - Gets a list of all available centers in a given postal code.
- eng (Working Days) - Gets all the working days for a given registration center ID.
- eng (Registration Center) - Get all details of a given registration center ID.
- {regCenterId} - Get all available dates and time slots for a given registration center ID.
- appointment - Post and finalise the appointment.
- {applicationId} (Appointment Details) - Get appointment details of a given application ID.
- generate - Post and generate a QR code for the given appointment and application.
- Onscreen-Acknowledgement - Get a pdf of the given appointment and application to use during the physical process.
- notify - Post a notification to a given email id and/or phone number.