A command line argument parser for Java 17 with
ease of use and high customization possibilities in mind.
First, we define our Command by creating a Command Template.
@Command.Define class MyProgram { @Argument.Define(required = true, positional = true, description = "The name of the user.") public String name; @Argument.Define(type = String.class, description = "The surname of the user.") public Optional<String> surname; @Argument.Define(names = {"age", "a"}, description = "The age of the user.", prefix = Argument.Prefix.PLUS) public int age = 18; @InitDef public static void beforeInit(@NotNull CommandBuildContext ctx) { // configure the argument "age" to have an argument type of // number range and set the range to 18-100 ctx.argWithType("age", new NumberRangeArgumentType<>(18, 100)) .onOk(v -> System.out.println("The age is valid!")); } }
Then, let that class definition also serve as the container for the parsed values.
public static void main(String[] args) { // example: david +a20 var myProgram = ArgumentParser.parseFromInto(MyProgram.class, args); System.out.printf( "Welcome %s! You are %d years old.%n", myProgram.name, myProgram.age ); // if no surname was specified, we'll show "none" instead System.out.printf("The surname of the user is %s.%n", myProgram.surname.orElse("none")); }
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Javadocs for the latest stable version is available here.