Releases: deckerweb/genesis-widgetized-notfound
Releases · deckerweb/genesis-widgetized-notfound
v1.6.4 - Current Stable Version
⚡ 1.6.4 - 2019-05-04
- New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.2
- New: Integrated with WordPress 5.2+ new Site Health feature: Genesis Widgetized Not Found & 404 now has an extra section on the Debug Info tab - this is especially helpful for support requests
- Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.4.0) - feature updates
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs - New: Join my newsletter for DECKERWEB WordPress Plugins - insider info, plus tutorials and more useful stuff
And, for 1.6.3 (forgotten to tag here as release):
⚡ 1.6.3 - 2018-11-22
- Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.2.1) - CSS fixes
- Tweak: Overhauled "Installation" part of this Readme.txt file completely
- Tweak: Added new FAQ entry regarding HTTP status in this Readme.txt file here
- Fix: Changed admin style enqueueing on the Widgets Admin - this fixes the issues when adding widgets AND also in the Customizer
1.6.1 - 2018-10-01
- New: Added plugin update message also to Plugins page (overview table)
- New: Created special Facebook Group for user community support for all plugins from me (David Decker - DECKERWEB), this one here included! ;-) - please join at facebook!
- Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.1.0) - which brings smaller additions and enhancements, like CSS styles to the upload areas and plugin cards, plus plugin version number on plugin cards
- Tweak: Internal code improvements and tweaks
- Tweak: Updated
file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
1.6.0 - 2018-08-25
- New: Brought the plugin back to life after more than five years, yeah! :)
- New: Added submenu item for Genesis Settings in WP-Admin left-hand menu - this redirects directly to the Widgets admin page, which makes it totally easy to setup the stuff
- New: Added handy Customizer Live Preview links for our two Genesis Widget areas to Plugins page
- New: For WP 4.9.7 or higher: Added handy Customizer Live Preview links, plus live testing links to the description of our two Genesis Widget areas on the Widgets page (in WP-Admin)
- New: Added subtle note on our two Widget area titles to make it more clear what belongs to what
- New: Release on as well (for issues, development etc.), see here:
- New: Added
file to the plugin's root folder - this is great for developers using Composer - New: Added
file for plugin's repository to make it more readable there - New: Added new plugin icon and banner on
- New: Added plugins recommendations library by deckerweb to add plugin installer tips
- Tweak: Updated all internal plugin links to current state, deleted the ones that were dead or no longer needed
- Tweak: Changed registering of widget areas to newer Genesis functions
- Tweak: Changed some filter hook tags to comply with the new features, and, to have them more logical and better organized
- Tweak: Code improvements and internal documentation updates
- Tweak: Removed "Facetious" plugin support as this is
- Update:
file for translators, plus German translations - Update: Readme.txt file.
- Update: All new screenshots - plus some more ;-)
- Trivia fact: this plugin is already over 6 (six!) years old. Whoa, that's a lot. ;-)
- Update: Readme.txt file.