RxCarriers is an online marketplace for pharmacies to sell over-the-counter items including non-prescription medications.
The live app can be found at http://rxcarriers.com
- Rails 4
- Bootstrap 4
- Stripe
- Twilio
- Checkr
- Zendesk
- Sendgrid
- Pusher
- DNSimple
To clone:
- Click on the 'Clone or Download' icon in the top right
- Copy the cloning link
- Head to Git Bash (or any other git tool you prefer)
- CD to location where you want directory to be cloned in
- Type:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY
where YOUR-USERNAME is your Github username, and YOUR-REPOSITORY is the name of the repository.
Following download, run bundler to install all gems and dependencies:
bundle install
Then run the migration:
rake db:migrate
Then run the server:
rails s -p $PORT -b $IP
Make sure that you have a recent version of Rails and/or Ruby installed as well.
I'm happy to hear your thoughts! Please reach out at hello@rxcarriers.com