This is a repo dedicated for demonstrating a possible technique for Text Compression.
I have used the image_coco.txt for training which can be obtained from-
This dataset contains sentence of about 100 characters long. I have been able to compress each sentence into a vector of size 5.
I have used the encoder-decoder architecture with a few tweaks which are explained in the comments with the code.
- Input sentence: three dogs by a screen door that has a pet entrance in it leading to the outside of the house \n
- compressed vector: [0.82584465 0.8639319 0.03209151 0.6374205 0.53023213]
- Reproduced sentence: three dogs by a screen door that has a pet entrance in it leading to the outside of the house
- Input sentence: a woman with short brown hair is looking into a circular mirror and holding a camera up to her cheek
- compressed vector: [1.5469722 0.7479113 0.5978319 0. 0.91678953]
- Reproduced sentence: a woman with short brown hair is looking into a circular mirror with a camera in her hand
- Input sentence: a kitchen with wooden cabinets and a gas range
- comressed vector: [3.8299806 1.2600164 0. 3.721849 1.0740554]
- Reproduced sentence: a man with a bandana is riding a motorcycle