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Daml Python bindings (formerly known as dazl)


Copyright (c) 2017-2025 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Rich Python bindings for accessing Ledger API-based applications.


The user documentation is available online here.


If you just want to use the library, you can install it locally with pip:

pip install --user dazl


  • Python 3.9+
  • Go 1.22
  • Daml SDK
    • Daml 2: 2.7 or later


All of the examples below assume you imported dazl, and are running a ledger with the default scenario generated with daml new.

Connect to the ledger and submit a single command:

import asyncio
import dazl

async def main():
    async with dazl.connect(url='http://localhost:6865', act_as='Alice') as client:
        contract = { 'issuer' : 'Alice', 'owner' : 'Alice', 'name' : 'hello world!' }
        await client.create('Main:Asset', contract)

Connect to the ledger as a single party, print all contracts, and close:

import asyncio
import dazl
from dazl.ledgerutil import ACS

async def main():
    async with dazl.connect(url='http://localhost:6865', read_as='Alice') as conn:
        async with ACS(conn, {"*": {}}) as acs:
            snapshot = await


Building locally

You will need additional dependencies to build locally:

Once you have these prerequisites in place:

make build


Tests in the Daml Python bindings are written using pytest. You can run them by doing:

make test


The Daml Python bindings library are supported under the Daml Enterprise license. If you do not have a Daml Enterprise license and are in need of support, have questions or just want to engage in friendly conversation anything Daml, contact us on our Daml Community Forum.