Pico Ksort plugin. Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. See https://picocms.org/ for more info.
This plugin is a small integration for the Twig Template Engine. This plugin directly brings the ksort function from PHP into your tpl file. Sort an array by key, nothing more.
You don't need it.
{% set testArray = {
'banana': 6,
'apple': 30,
'cherry': 22
} %}
filter in action:
{% for key, value in testArray|sort %}
* {{ key }} {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
Returns ordered values: * banana 6 * cherry 22 * apple 30
- key sorting loop:
{% set sortedKeys = testArray|keys|sort %}
{% for key in sortedKeys %}
* {{ key }} {{ testArray[key] }}
{% endfor %}
Ordered by key: * apple 30 * banana 6 * cherry 22
filter in action:
{% for key, value in testArray|ksort %}
* {{ key }} {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
Same results: * apple 30 * banana 6 * cherry 22
but smarter.
If you're using one of Pico's pre-built release packages, you need to first create an empty plugins/PicoArrayKSort
directory in Pico's installation directory on your server. Next, download the latest source package of PicoArrayKSort
and upload PicoArrayKSort.php
into the aforementioned plugins/PicoArrayKSort
That's all.