Numerical experiments as supplemental material for the work Dong-Quan Vu, Patrick Loiseau, Alonso Silva & Long Tran-Thanh. 2020. Path Planning Problems with Side-Observations—When Colonels Play Hide-and-Seek. In Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020). Article link: ArXiv Preprint
Corresponding contact: dongquan[dot]math[at]gmail[com
We study the sequential learning problems in the Colonel Blotto and Hide-and-Seek games with limited feedback, that are modeled as Path Planning Problems with Side-Observations (SOPPP). We propose an algorithm, called EXP3-OE, that solves any SOPPP and provides two main improvements in comparison with the state-of-the-art:
- (i) it runs polynomially in terms of the games' parameters,
- (ii) it provides improved upper-bound guarantees of the expected regret.
In this work, we conducted several experiments in support of these two main novel results.
The repository consists the following files:
- # The main file of experiment 1 (see Section 1.)
- # The main file of experiment 2 (see Section 2.)
- # The main file of experiment 3 (see Section 3.)
- # Contruct the corresponding DAG for each instance of the game
- # Weight_pushing techniques that allows efficient implementation of EXP3-OE
The code will be updated soon.