A set of minimal builders that sits on top of the
namespace to give an experience similar to the ASP.Net Core minimal API builders.The primary goal of this library design is to give the developer the option to use one of the following approaches:
- Inline Approach: To put the logic directly with the API design, which allows for maximum readability.
- Separate Approach (static class): Separate the API design from the actual logic using a static handler, which allows for high testability.
- Separate Approach (instance class): Separate the API from the logic using an instance class, which allows for dependency injection and high testability.
using System.CommandLine.Minimal;
var app = new MinimalCommandLineBuilder()
app.AddRootDescription("A simple demo app for the command line.")
.AddRootOption<string>("--first-option", opt => opt.AddAlias("-o1"))
(string message, string option1, string option2) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Hello World! {message}");
Console.WriteLine($" Option 1:{option1}, Option2 {option2}");
git clone https://github.com/dotnetKyle/MinimalCommandLine.git
Set DemoApp as the startup project.
Check the Properties/launchSettings.json file, ensure that the commandLineArgs
property is set to -h
dotnet build DemoApp.csproj -c Debug
cd \bin\Debug\net6.0\
DemoApp.exe -h
The API and the application logic are together. Uses an Action<Task>
directly in the Program.cs.
var app = new MinimalCommandLineBuilder()
app.AddRootDescription("Create X509Certificates.");
// generate a root CA certificate
cmdOptions =>
.AddCommandDescription("Create a self-signed root certificate authority.")
.AddArgument<string>("CommonName", argument =>
argument.AddHelpName("Common Name")
.AddDescription("Add a common name to the certificate's subject name.")
.AddOption<string[]>("-ou", option =>
"Add one or more Organizational Units (OUs) to the certificate's subject name."
.AddOption<DateOnly>("-na", option =>
.AddDescription("Add a date that the certificate cannot be used after.")
// Bind the application logic here
.SetHandler(async (string commonName, string[] OUs, DateOnly notAfter) =>
var notAfterDate = notAfter.ToDateTime(TimeOnly.MinValue, DateTimeKind.Utc);
if (OUs is null)
OUs = Array.Empty<string>();
var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "rootCA.pfx");
var subjectName = $"CN={commonName}";
foreach (var ou in OUs)
subjectName += $", OU={ou}";
subjectName += $", O=Your Org Name Here, C=USA";
using (var rsa = RSA.Create(2048))
var req = new CertificateRequest(
new X509BasicConstraintsExtension(true, false, 0, true)
using (var cert = req.CreateSelfSigned(DateTime.UtcNow,notAfterDate))
var pfx = cert.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx);
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(filePath, pfx);
Same logic as above but inside a static method allows for the parameters to have optional values (which are automatically to the API help convention).
var app = new MinimalCommandLineBuilder()
app.AddRootDescription("Create X509Certificates.");
// generate a rootCA certificate
cmdOptions =>
.AddCommandDescription("Create a self-signed root certificate authority.")
.AddArgument<string>("CommonName", argument =>
argument.AddHelpName("Common Name")
.AddDescription("Add a common name to the certificate's subject name.")
.AddOption<string[]>("-ou", option =>
.AddDescription("Add one or more OUs to the certificate's subject name.")
.AddOption<string>("-o", option =>
.AddDescription("Override the default organization name.")
// Use a static method for the application logic
public static class RootCaGenerator
public static async Task GenerateSelfSigned(
string commonName,
string[] OUs,
string organization = "Your Org Here")
// Truncated for brevity
Uses a class instance and gets dependencies from DI.
// add the command and it's dependencies to DI
var app = new MinimalCommandLineBuilder()
.AddTransient<ISerialNumberProvider, FileSystemSerialNumberProvider>()
app.AddRootDescription("Create X509Certificates.");
// generate a intermediateCA certificate
// this parameter is a binder to map the command to the instance method containing the application logic
handler => handler.GenerateCaAsync,
cmdOptions =>
.AddCommandDescription("Create a intermediate certificate authority.")
.AddArgument<string>("CommonName", argument =>
argument.AddHelpName("Common Name")
.AddDescription("Add a common name to the certificate's subject name.")
.AddArgument<string>("IssuerCertificate", argument =>
argument.AddHelpName("Issuer Certificate")
.AddDescription("Add an issuer certificate with its private key.")
.AddOption<string[]>("-ou", option =>
// truncated for brevity
public class IntermediateCaGenerator
ISerialNumberProvider _serialNumberProvider;
public IntermediateCaGenerator(ISerialNumberProvider serialNumberProvider)
_serialNumberProvider = serialNumberProvider;
public async Task GenerateCaAsync(string commonName, string issuerFilePath)
var certificateSerialNumber = _serialNumberProvider.NextSerialNumber();
// Truncated for brevity
public class FileSystemSerialNumberProvider : IFileSystemSerialNumberProvider
// Truncated for brevity