A collection of useful link and tool for Sega Dreamcast development Please check the useful-link.md for the dreamcast dev bookmarks.
- dreamcast.wiki - Great resource to start, constantly updated with new info (2023).
- Dreamcast-tutorial Github - A new-ish sets of tutorial with code example. Covers the basic (installing the toolchain, graphics, audio, controller)
- ClassiCube - Custom Minecraft Classic client with online play
- Mario64 - Port of the N64 Classic, Mario 64, by MrNeo
- DreamShell - The popular alternative operating system for loading games/app from SD Card and IDE Drive
- 240pTestSuite - App containing a bunch of test suites for the Sega Dreamcast's hardware
- Bloom - WIP PSOne emulator for Dreamcast by zcrc
- VICE - Dreamcast port of the VICE Commodore emulator by GPF
- FrNES - NES emulator for the Sega Dreamcast, freshly updated for modern KOS by maslevin
- Simulant - A general purpose 2D-3D engine in active developement.
- nuQuake - Quake engine by MrNeo240
- radQuake5.0 - Quake engine by Ian Micheal
- DolmexicaInfinite - A Mugen-like engine for fighter games
- Voxel Engine - A Voxel engine
- Antiruins - 2D Engine, only uses Lua and doesn't require the Dreamcast Toolchain
- KOS - The de-facto OS used in most of homebrew/indie project.
- DreamSDK - A multitool environment made for Windows. Maintained by Sizious
- BennuGD - A multi-platform engine
- WincastCE - An experimental windows CE shell (?)
- libGimbal - Extended standard library, unit test framework, and core app utilities for DC and more
- SDL/DreamHal/GLdc - SDL library with DreamHal optimizations and OpenGL interop
- GLdc - A OpenGL 1.2 implementation started by Kazade
- LMP3D - A multi-platform 3D Lib. (Looks abandoned but might be good for research)
- DreamROQ - A ROQ video player. (No FPS lock, no sound)
- libDreamroq - A library version of ROQ video player, with sound.
- dreamcast-samples - A repository containing a Dreamcast-specific graphics example for how to use VQ textures as a paletted framebuffer. Useful for emulators and procedural texture generation.
- ALdc - A OpenAL 1.2 implementation started by Kazade
- Ada Hello World - Hello World example using the Ada language by Marc Poulhiès
- dkos - KallistiOS bindings for the D language by LunaTheFoxGirl
- VMU Development Resource - Massive, up-to-date compilation of VMU development resources
- Beginner Tutorials - Tutorials for beginning VMU development by Candle-Electric
- CrayonUtil - Mostly tools for VMU icons, but also some texture converters. Made by Protofall
- Waterbear - Cross-platform assembler and disassembler for the VMU by Wtetzner
- libElysianVMU - Platform-independent VMU emulator core by Falco Girgis
- libperspective - Uility library used by most of the scene for drawing graphics in VMU apps
- ADVPM - General-purpose audio, music, and SFX driver by jvsTSX
- Tiny 3D Engine - Full-fledged 3D rendering engine by The Rockin'-B
- Monaco GP - VMU port of hte 1979 arcade game
- DreamHAL - Moopthehedgehog's abstraction layer for SH4. Allow for faster maths.
- LibFatFS - A FAT16 and FAT32 lib to use with the SD card adapter.
- Prism - CaptainDreamcast's set of utilities for Physics, files loading, etc. (untested)
- mkdcdisc - Command line tool for generating CDI images designed for the SEGA Dreamcast
- Blender MS3D Exporter - Export your 3d Model in a Dreamcast friendly format.
- dcprof - gprof compatible sampling profiler for the Sega Dreamcast + KallistiOS.
- Dcload-ip with DHCP - Launch game through your BBA, with DHCP support
- Dcload-ip - Launch game through your BBA. Classic program by Sizious.
- Dreamcast Controller USB Pico - Convert your Dreamcast Controller to USB.
- MaplePad - Virtual Dreamcast Controller, VMU and more!
- libMaple - Arduino to Maple commmunication
- DC motherboard explorer - Motherboard test pads map