The ServiceBridge library contains a shared interface for service registration and service resolution which application and framework can reference. The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the capabilities without relying on hard references.
- Service Registration
- Service Resolution
- Service Lifetime
- Constructor Injection
- Property Injection
- Method Injection
- Instance Injection
- Method & Property Interception
- Extension mechanism
- Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) Integration
- ASP.NET WebForms Integration
- ASP.NET MVC Integration
- ASP.NET WebApi Integration
- Microsoft Unity Application Block
- Autofac
- Ninject
- StructureMap
- Castle Windsor
ServiceBridge is Open Source software and it is released under the MIT license. The licenses allow the use of ServiceBridge in free and commercial applications and libraries without restrictions.