An embedded TV app for viewing collected NFTs on the Eluvio Content Fabric.
See for a complete list of devices.
Client secrets are defined in To override default values (required for full functionality):
- External developers: either edit the file directly, or create a new file in
. - Internal Eluvio developers: sync submodules (
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
) and follow the instructions there to generate the secrets file.
We use Realm for persistence. Entities that need to be persisted must:
- Implement the
interface - Have a proper implementation of
. - Include a Dagger module that provides them into a set of all Realm classes, otherwise Realm won't be aware they exist.
A sensible toString() implementation is encouraged, since RealmObjects
can't be data classes.
A LocalNavigator is provided as a composition local to allow for navigation between destinations. This defaults to "fullscreen/top-level" navigation. For nested navigation, provide your own implementation of Navigator/NavController.
There's a lot of boilerplate involved with creating a new Composable/ViewModel pair. Use this Template with multiple files to generate the files for you.
package ${PACKAGE_NAME}
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Devices
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.hilt.navigation.compose.hiltViewModel
import app.eluvio.wallet.navigation.MainGraph
import app.eluvio.wallet.theme.EluvioThemePreview
import app.eluvio.wallet.util.subscribeToState
import com.ramcosta.composedestinations.annotation.Destination
@Destination(navArgsDelegate = ${NAME}NavArgs::class)
fun ${NAME}() {
hiltViewModel<${NAME}ViewModel>().subscribeToState { vm, state ->
private fun ${NAME}(state: ${NAME}ViewModel.State) {
@Preview(device = Devices.TV_720p)
private fun ${NAME}Preview() = EluvioThemePreview {
And create a Child Template File for the ViewModel
package ${PACKAGE_NAME}
import javax.inject.Inject
class ${NAME}ViewModel @Inject constructor(
) : BaseViewModel<${NAME}ViewModel.State>(State()) {
data class State(val tmp: Int = 0)
And for the NavArgs. Not every screen will need this, but it's easier to delete when not needed, than write it out when it is.
package ${PACKAGE_NAME}
data class ${NAME}NavArgs(val arg1: String)