This website serves as a demonstration of JavaScript skills, showcasing functionalities such as bank transfer, loan calculation, and authentication. It utilizes various array methods like forEach, map, reduce, and filter,setInterval and internationalize apis to manipulate and display data.
- Bank Transfer: Simulates bank transactions allowing users to transfer money between accounts.
- Loan Calculation: Calculates loan repayment details based on user input such as loan amount
- Authentication: Implements basic authentication to grant access to certain features or pages.
- JavaScript
To run this website locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repo
- Open index.html in your preferred web browser.
To use the functionalities of this website, after installation open index.html or visit demo site, then right click and choose inspect, then get into console tab and use test array data
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact