Welcome to the Rental Car All-in-One Desktop App repository! This project aims to provide a comprehensive solution for managing rental car businesses through a single, user-friendly desktop application.
- Responsive design for compatibility across devices.
- Modern css layout technique flexbox layout is used
- SEO optimization
- Modern web development practices such as SCSS pre-processor and BEM methodology
- SCSS Pre-processor: Utilized SCSS for efficient styling and organization of CSS code.
- Flexbox Layout: Implemented a flexible layout using Flexbox for responsive and dynamic design.
- BEM Technique: Followed the Block Element Modifier (BEM) methodology for structured and maintainable CSS classes.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/enesuraz/rent-a-car.git
Open the project folder in your code editor.
Explore and modify the HTML and SCSS files to customize the landing page according to your needs
Run this command
npm run watch
- If you want to build for production run this command:
npm run build
For any questions or inquiries, please contact @enesuraz at nfk7221@gmail.com.