a module for encoding and decoding Enocean Equipment Profile (EEP) Telegrams. This is a work in progress. For now only RORG a5,d5,f6and limited d2 support... still needs a lot of testing
The API will most likely still change a lot
npm i -S eep-transcoder
you can use this module in both node.js and in the browser.
var EnoceanTelegram = require("eep_transcoder")
<script src="eep_transcoder.min.js"></script>
the encode function expects two parameters. one json representation of the telegram to be encoded, and the eep according to which it should be encoded.
var tel ={
_senderId: "aabbccdd"
var enc = EnocenTelegram.encode(tel,"a5-02-03")
the telegram will be filled with usefull defaults. So you only need to provide the data you want to change. this will most probably be the senderId and the data part which for json is stored in the decoded
find out what fields can be used for which telgram in the documentation
var tel = "55000a0701eba5ff0385080006be370001ffffffff4400c5"
var dec = EnoceanTelegram.decode(tel,"a5-02-03")
you can also create teach in telegrams. to do so you need the eep you want to encod by and a senderId which should be derived from enocean.base
var id=(parseInt(en.base,16)+22).toString(16)
var ti = EnoceanTelegram.teach_in(id,"a5-02-14")