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Earthdata Pub Dashboard

Code to generate and deploy the dashboard for the Earthdata Pub API.

Table of Contents


See for instruction for contributing to the EDPub project. Be sure to read that before submitting pull requests.


The dashboard is populated from the Earthdata Pub API. The dashboard has to point to a working version of the Earthdata Pub API before it is installed and built.

The information needed to configure the dashboard is stored at app/src/js/config.

The following environment variables override the default values in config.js. To locate environment variables, see webpack.common.js:

Env Name Description Default
APIROOT the API URL. This must be set by the user.
OVERVIEW_URL URL of the instructional overview of Earthdata Pub Dashboard
AWS_REGION Region in which Earthdata Pub API is running. us-west-2
STAGE e.g. PROD, UAT, development
LABELS gitc or daac localization. daac
REQUEST_HIDE_BUTTON_VERBAGE The hide button verbage displayed on the request detail page. Withdraw
REQUEST_UNHIDE_BUTTON_VERBAGE The hide button verbage displayed on the request detail page. Restore
SHOW_DISTRIBUTION_API_METRICS <optional> Display metrics from Earthdata Pub Distribution API. false
HELP_PAGE_DEFAULT URL of the instructional how to use Earthdata Pub in Overview


The dashboard uses node v22.14.0. To build/run the dashboard on your local machine, install nvm following the nvm Install & Update Script instructions.

We use npm for local package management to install the requirements, but the first step is to clone the repo!

git clone
cd api
nvm install 22.14.0
nvm use
npm install


Running locally

npm install
npm run start

Dashboard and API

The Dashboard application is dependent on the EDPub API. Follow instructions in each repo or the EDPub core repo.

The API Swagger documentation will available at http://localhost:8080/docs/

The Forms application will available at http://localhost:8081/

Troubleshooting local deployment

If you have previously built using docker, you may need to remove docker orphans.

docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Troubleshooting docker containers

If something is not running correctly, or you're just interested, you can view the logs with a helper script, this will print out logs from each of the running docker containers.

npm run view-logs

This can be helpful in debugging problems with the docker application.

A common error is running the dashboard containers when other containers are running on your machine. Just stop that stack and restart the dashboard stack to resolve.

ERROR: for localapi_shim_1  Cannot start service shim: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint localapi_shim_1 (7105603a4ff7fbb6f92211086f617bfab45d78cff47232793d152a244eb16feb): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

ERROR: for shim  Cannot start service shim: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint localapi_shim_1 (7105603a4ff7fbb6f92211086f617bfab45d78cff47232793d152a244eb16feb): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

Troubleshooting npm errors

A permission denied error in an npm run script usually means permissions are incorrect in node_modules. A quick fix is to delete the directory and reinstall with npm install.


Building in Docker

The Earthdata Pub Dashboard can be built inside of a Docker container, without needing to install any local dependencies.


NOTE: Only the APIROOT environment variable is required.

The compiled files will be placed in the dist directory.

Building locally

To build the dashboard:

nvm use
[SERVED_BY_EDPUB_API=true] [DAAC_NAME=LPDAAC] [STAGE=production] [LABELS=daac] APIROOT= npm run build

NOTE: Only the APIROOT environment variable is required.

Building a specific dashboard version

Earthdata Pub Dashboard versions are distributed using tags in github. You can pull a specific version in the following manner:

git clone
cd dashboard
git fetch origin ${tagNumber}:refs/tags/${tagNumber}
git checkout ${tagNumber}

Then follow the steps noted above to build the dashboard locally or using Docker.


Deployment is done through Bamboo. The following deprecated instructions are included in case Bamboo becomes unavailable.

First build the site

nvm use
npm run build

Then deploy the dist folder

aws s3 sync dist s3://my-bucket-to-be-used --acl public-read


Unit Tests

npm run test

Integration & Validation Tests

For the integration tests to work, you have to first run the localstack application, launch the localAPI and serve the dashboard first. Run the following commands in separate terminal sessions:

Run background localstack application.

npm run start-localstack

Serve the dashboard web application (another terminal)

[SHOW_DISTRIBUTION_API_METRICS=true ESROOT= APIROOT=http://localhost:8080] npm run serve

If you're just testing dashboard code, you can generally run all of the above commands as a single docker-compose stack.

npm run start-dashboard

This brings up LocalStack, Elasticsearch, the Earthdata Pub localAPI, and the dashboard.

Run the test suite (yet another terminal window)

npm run validate
npm run cypress

When the cypress editor opens, click on run all specs.

Fully contained cypress testing

You can run all of the cypress tests locally that circleCI runs with a single command:

npm run e2e-tests

This will stands up the entire stack as well as begin the e2e service that will run all cypress commands and report an exit code for their success or failure. This is primarily used for CircleCI, but can be useful to developers.

Likewise the validation tests can be run with this command:

npm run validation-tests


ESLint is used for linting. It adheres to the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide with a few exceptions. The configuration can be viewed in eslint.config.json.

Output from these commands in formatted for Bamboo for use in the CI/CD pipeline.

Markdownlint is used for linting Markdown. No markdownlint output is used in the CI/CD pipeline.


The main branch is the branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest product release. The test branch is the branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest UAT release. The develop branch is the branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest merged development changes for the next release. The develop branch is the branch where we should branch off.

When the source code in the develop branch reaches a stable point and is ready to be released, all of the changes should be merged back into test and then main and then tagged with a release number.



