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Manual Trigger Workflow #4

Manual Trigger Workflow

Manual Trigger Workflow #4

Workflow file for this run

name: Manual Trigger Workflow
workflow_dispatch: {}
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# Install the .NET Core workload
- name: Install .NET Core
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: 8.0.x
# Add MSBuild to the PATH:
- name: Setup MSBuild.exe
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2
- name: Cake Action
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: cake-build/cake-action@5167c3f6a9e15c76f009de2acdfb9488552bc0b9
uses: cake-build/cake-action@v3.0.0
# The path of the Cake script to run.
script-path: build.cake
# The name of the task to execute. Note that this argument must be supported by the script.
target: Pack
# The verbosity level with which to run the script. Valid values are: Quiet, Minimal, Normal, Verbose or Diagnostic.
verbosity: Normal
# Tells Cake to do a dry run of the script.
dry-run: false
# Any custom parameters to pass to the script. Multiple parameters are defined on separate lines.
#arguments: # optional
# The version of Cake to install. Either a specific version, "latest" (default) or "tool-manifest".
cake-version: latest
# Flag for if Cake modules should be installed/bootstrapped.
cake-bootstrap: false