Complete offline bible with scheduled reminders to read or listen to the Bible
Bible Alert is a ...
Atfer git cloning run
npm install
to install all needed dependencies ensure you have installed node and react native globally.
To test/run the application use
npm start
then follow the instruction after.
::: To open IOS Simulator
open -a Simulator
first go to expo website and register, you'll need the email and password to login via terminal.
Now install the expo command line globally then login using this command
sudo npm install -g eas-cli && eas login
then login to this account in the terminal before running this command to build the apk
eas build -p android --profile androidapk
eas build -p ios --profile simulatorbuild
First run this commands for iOS
eas build -p ios
Then this for android
eas build -p android
To submit the binary to the App Store, run
eas submit -p ios --latest
from inside your project directory.
eas build --platform android