A basic mediainfo wrapper with minimalistic output. A simple tool for DataHoarders, Muxers and Encoders, based on pymediainfo wrapper.
usage: mi.py [-h] [-r] [-fn FILTER_NAME] [-fr {SD,HD,FHD,UHD}] [-fe] [-fm]
[-fa {TrueHD,TrueHD-Atmos,DD,DDP,DDP-Atmos,DD-Atmos,DTS,DTS-ES,DTS-HD,DTS-MA,AAC}]
[-fs {vob,srt,sup,ass,vtt}] [-fc] [-fnc] [-nc] [-pfn] [-pn] [-v]
print mediainfo output in a compact way
positional arguments:
path the folder or file path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --recursive parse all foders recursively without depth limit
-fn FILTER_NAME, --filter_name FILTER_NAME
show only files with specific name
-fr {SD,HD,FHD,UHD}, --filter_resolution {SD,HD,FHD,UHD}
show only files with specific resolution
-fe, --filter_errors show only files with errors in tags
-fm, --filter_missing_info
show only files with missing tags "?" or "-empty-"
-fa {TrueHD,TrueHD-Atmos,DD,DDP,DDP-Atmos,DD-Atmos,DTS,DTS-ES,DTS-HD,DTS-MA,AAC}, --filter_audio {TrueHD,TrueHD-Atmos,DD,DDP,DDP-Atmos,DD-Atmos,DTS,DTS-ES,DTS-HD,DTS-MA,AAC}
show only files with specific audio
-fs {vob,srt,sup,ass,vtt}, --filter_subs {vob,srt,sup,ass,vtt}
show only files with specific subs
-fc, --filter_chapters
show only files with chapters
-fnc, --filter_not_chapters
show only files without chapters
-nc, --no_colors show output without colors
-pfn, --printfullnames
print only full filenames
-pn, --printnames print only filenames
-v, --verbose fallback to vanilla mediainfo output
Copy mi.py
inside ~/.local/bin
and you will be able to run it on any terminal by: mi.py [parameters]
- mediainfo >= 23.04
- pymediainfo >= 6.0.1
- colorama >= 0.4.6
mi . --nc >> output.txt