multithreaded programming in C++, experimental..
They are based on references such as: C++ Concurrency in Action, Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Hands-On Concurrency with Rust.
- combining tree
- lock striped hashtable (chained, universal hashing)
- lockfree list
- total
- lockfree queue
- total
- synchronous
- lockfree stack
- total
- split reference
- partial elimination
- elimination array
- other primitves
- locks
- blocking
- recursive
- reader-writer
- lockfree exchanger
- locks
- implement safe memory reclamation strategies
- epoch (simplify usage, dynamic thread addition/removal)
- quiescent state (todo)
- add working memory reclamation strategies in concurrent datastructures (in progress)
- sync queue, split ref stack
- more tests for list, combining tree, etc.
- lockfree queue
- queue_lockfree_total with hazard pointer / epoch based reclamation
- queue_lockfree_sync with hazard pointer
- lockfree stack
- stack_lockfree_total_simple with hazard pointer / epoch based reclamation
- stack_lockfree_elim with hazard pointer
- stack_lockfree_split_reference with hazard pointer
- currently uses C++1z
- release build: make DEBUG=0 all
- user data need to be move constructible and move assignable
1;5202;0c# sample usages
- lockfree queue w/ hazard pointer:
#include "queue_lockfree_total.hpp"
#include "threadwrap.hpp"
using container_type = queue_lockfree_total<int, trait_reclamation::hp>;
container_type queue;
unsigned int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()/2;
size_t nums = num_threads * 3000000;
auto f = [&](){
size_t count = queue.size(); //this is approximate if queue is under concurrent access
assert( 0 == count );
int val = 5;
count = queue.size();
assert( 1 == count );
auto ret = queue.get();
count = queue.size();
assert( 0 == count );
assert( ret );
assert( 5 == *ret );
//spawn some threads
vector<threadwrap> threads( num_threads );
vector<threadwrap> threads2( num_threads );
for( int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i ){
threads[i] = threadwrap( [ &, i ](){
int val = nums/num_threads*i;
for( int j = 0; j < nums/num_threads; ++j ){
queue.put( val + j ); //blocking put
}, identity<container_type::mem_reclam>() );
for( int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i ){
threads2[i] = threadwrap( [&](){
for( int j = 0; j < nums/num_threads; ++j ){
if(auto ret = queue.get()){ //non-blocking get
}, identity<container_type::mem_reclam>() );
for( auto & i : threads ){
for( auto & i : threads2 ){
- lockfree synchronous queue w/ hazard pointer:
#include "queue_lockfree_sync.hpp"
using container_type = queue_lockfree_sync<int, trait_reclamation::hp>;
//... same as above
- lockfree stack w/ hazard pointer:
#include "stack_lockfree_total_simple.hpp"
using container_type = stack_lockfree_total_simple<int, trait_reclamation::hp>;
//... same as above
- lockfree elimination stack w/ hazard pointer:
#include "stack_lockfree_elim.hpp"
using container_type = stack_lockfree_elim<int, trait_reclamation::hp>;
//... same as above
- lockfree split reference stack w/ hazard pointer:
#include "stack_lockfree_split_reference.hpp"
using container_type = stack_lockfree_split_reference<int, trait_reclamation::hp>;
//... same as above
Hardware: Intel E5-2630, 6 cores, 12 threads
Test setup: force enqueue / dequeue 1000,000 integers per thread
container threads (enqueue/dequeue) throughput /sec queue_lockfree_total_hp 6/6 3.65e6 queue_lockfree_total_epoch 6/6 2.83e6 queue_lockfree_sync_hp 6/6 835422 stack_lockfree_total_hp 6/6 3.75e6 stack_lockfree_total_epoch 6/6 4.68e6 stack_lockfree_elim_hp 6/6 3.70e6 stack_lockfree_split_reference_hp 6/6 1.55e6 stack with std::vector & mutex 6/6 2.25e6 -
latency: todo