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Releases: f/graphql.js


21 Dec 12:23
@f f
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21 Aug 13:30
@f f
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graphql.js: lightweight graphql client

Lightest GraphQL client with intelligent features.

Bower version
NPM version
Build Status

Originally inspired by Robert Mosolgo's blog post


  • Too small, 4k gzipped.
  • No dependencies, plain vanilla JavaScript.
  • Plug & Play.
  • Isomorphic.
  • Runs on most browsers.
  • You don't need to install Node.js ecosystem on your computer.
  • Query merging to reduce request number.


GraphQL is based on a very simple HTTP transaction, which sends a request to an endpoint
with query and variables.

Many libraries require complex stacks to make that simple request.
In any project you don't use React, Relay, you'll need a simpler
client which manages your query and makes a simple request.

// Connect...
var graph = graphql("/graphql")

// Prepare...
  user: `on User {

const allUsers = graph(`query { allUsers { ...user } }`)

const createUser = graph(`mutation (@autodeclare) {
  createUser($firstName, $lastName) { ...user }

await createUser({
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe"

const users = await allUsers()

// {
//   "allUsers": [{ "id": 1, "name": "John Doe" }]
// }


You can download graphql.js directly, or you can use Bower or NPM.

Download for Browser

Using Bower

bower install graphql.js --save

Using NPM

npm install graphql.js --save

# or

yarn add graphql.js

Using with Rails Asset Pipeline

You can use GraphQL.js with Rails Asset Pipeline using graphqljs-rails.


GraphQL.js is isomorphic. You can use it in both browser and Node.js.

Use in Browser

<script src="/path/to/graphql.js"></script>

Use in Node.js

var graphql = require('graphql.js')

Or using import

import graphql from 'graphql.js'


Create a simple connection to your GraphQL endpoint.

var graph = graphql("http://localhost:3000/graphql", {
  method: "POST", // POST by default.
  headers: {
    // headers
    "Access-Token": "some-access-token"
    // OR "Access-Token": () => "some-access-token"
  fragments: {
    // fragments, you don't need to say `fragment name`.
    auth: "on User { token }",
    error: "on Error { messages }"

Executing Queries and Mutations

graph will be a simple function that accepts query and variables as parameters.

graph(`query ($email: String!, $password: String!) {
  auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
    ... auth # if you use any fragment, it will be added to the query.
    ... error
}`, {
  email: "",
  password: "my-super-password"
}).then(function (response) {
  // response is originally of query result
}).catch(function (error) {
  // response is originally response.errors of query result

Prepare Query for Lazy Execution

You can prepare queries for lazy execution. This will allow you to reuse your queries with
different variables without any hassle.

var login = graph(`query ($email: String!, $password: String!) {
  auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
    ... on User {

// Call it later...
  email: "",
  password: "my-super-password"

Direct Execution with .run and ES6 Template Tag

If your query doesn't need any variables, it will generate a lazy execution query by default.
If you want to run your query immediately, you have three following options:

// 1st option. create and run function.

// 2nd option. create and run function with `run` method.`...`)`...`)`...`)

// 3rd option. create and run function with template tag.

I don't recommend using this. Using it too much may break DRY. Use lazy execution as much as possible.

Prefix Helpers

You can prefix your queries by simply calling helper methods: .query, .mutate or .subscribe

var login = graph.query(`($email: String!, $password: String!) {
  auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
    ... on User {

var increment = graph.mutate`increment { state }`
var onIncrement = graph.subscribe`onIncrement { state }`

Automatic Declaring with @autodeclare or {declare: true}

Declaring primitive-typed (String, Int, Float, Boolean) variables in query were a
little bothering to me. That's why I added an @autodeclare keyword or {declare: true} setting to the processor.
It detects types from the variables and declares them in query automatically.

var login = graph.query(`(@autodeclare) {
  auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
    ... on User {

  email: "", // It's String! obviously.
  password: "my-super-password" // It is, too.

This will create following query:

query ($email: String!, $password: String!) {
  auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
    ... on User {

You can also pass {declare: true} option to the .query, .mutate and .subscribe helper:

var login = graph.query(`auth(email: $email, password: $password) {
  ... on User {
}`, {declare: true})

This will also create the same query above.

Detecting IDs

Variable names with matching /_id/i pattern will be declared as ID type. Following examples will be declared as IDs:

  • id: 1 will be declared as $id: ID!
  • post_id: "123af" will be declared as $post_id: ID!
  • postID: 3 will be declared as $postID: ID!
  • postId: 4 will be declared as $postId: ID!

You can disable auto ID declaration by adding an ! to the end of the variable name:

  • id!: 1 will be declared as $id: Int!
  • post_id!: "123af" will be declared as $post_id: String!

And, explicitly given types are prioritized.

  • postID!CustomId: 3 will be declared as $postID: CustomId!
  • postId!UUID: 4 will be declared as $postId: UUID!
var userById = graph.query(`(@autodeclare) {
  user(id: $id) {

  id: 15

The example above will generate following query:

query ($id: ID!) {
  user(id: $id) {

Solving Integer and Float Problem

Let's say you have a rating query that accepts an argument with a Float argument named rating.
GraphQL.js will declare 10 value as Integer since it casts using value % 1 === 0 ? 'Int' : 'Float' check.

var rate = graph.query(`(@autodeclare) {
  rating(rating: $rating) {

  rating: 10

In this case, you must use ! mark to force your type to be Float as below:

  "rating!Float": 10

This will bypass the casting and declare rating as Float.

Advanced Auto Declaring

Beside you can pass {declare: true} to helpers:

graph.query("auth(email: $email, password: $password) { token }", {declare: true})

Also you can enable auto declaration to run by default using alwaysAutodeclare setting.

var graph = graphql("http://localhost:3000/graphql", {
  alwaysAutodeclare: true

After you enable alwaysAutodeclare option, your methods will try to detect types of variables and declare them.

// When alwaysAutodeclare is true, you don't have to pass {declare: true} option.

graph.query("auth(email: $email, password: $password) { token }")

Auto Declaring Custom Types

You can define custom types when defining variables by using a simple "variable!Type" notation.
It will help you to make more complex variables:

var register = graph.mutate(`(@autodeclare) {
  userRegister(input: $input) { ... }

  // variable name and type.
  "input!UserRegisterInput": { ... }

This will generate following query:

mutation ($input: UserRegisterInput!) {
  userRegister(input: $input) { ... }


Fragments make your GraphQL more DRY and improves reusability. With .fragment method, you'll
manage your fragments easily.

Simple Fragments

While constructing your endpoint, you can predefine all of your fragments.

var graph = graphql("/graphql", {
  fragments: {
    userInfo: `on User { id, name, surname, avatar }`

And you can use your fragments in your queries. The query will pick your fragments and
will add them to the bottom of your query.

graph.query(`{ allUsers { ...userInfo } }`)

Nested Fragments

You can nest your fragments to keep them organized/namespaced.

var graph = graphql("/graphql", {
  fragments: {
    user: {
      info: `on User { id, name, surname, avatar }`

Accessing them is also intuitive:

graph.query(`{ allUsers { } }`)

Using Fragments in Fragments

You can reuse fragments in your fragments.

  user: "on User {name, surname}",
  login: {
    auth: "on User {token, ...user}"

Lazy Fragments

You can also add fragments lazily. So you can use your fragments more mod...

Read more


21 Jun 07:02
@f f
Choose a tag to compare
  • #42 - Recursive fragment fix
  • #38, #37 Header values may be functions, better request function.


16 Sep 21:18
@f f
Choose a tag to compare
  • remove jquery dep.