- Analyze activity's startup time
- Analyze activity's layout display time
- Analyze recyclerview's rendering and measure performance
- List all those functions/methods which access main thread along with its consumed time
- Detect code bottlenecks
Note: Traditional XML support is deprecated. Now all future features will be available for jetpack compose
Activity Code

Activity Details

Function BottleNeck

Recyclerview Logs

- JDK 17
- Minimum AGP (Android Gradle Plugin) 7.4
Note: Without these requirements you will get errors
plugins {
id("io.github.farimarwat.pandaspector") version "1.5"
pluginManagement {
repositories {
gradlePluginPortal() //add this if not exists
//below android block in :app level build.gradle.kts
//Path to api without end slashes (required)
apiPath = "C:\\Users\\BISMILLAH\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\platforms\\android-33"
//Packages to inspect all classes and activities (required)
packages = listOf("pk.farimarwat.timeprobeexample")
//To inspect activity startup (optional - default is true)
inspectStartup = true
//To inspect recyclerview (optional - default is true)
inspectRecyclerview = true
//To inspect all methods of selected package classes (optional - default is true)
monitorMainThread = true
//To Anr Threshold Time in milliseconds (optionl - default is 5000)
anrThreshold = 5000
Note: This is a beta version and you may face issues. So create an issue if you face any problems.
If you want to donate then you are welcome to buy me a cup of tea via PATREON because this encourages me to give you more free stuff and continue to maintain this library Buy Now!