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@fauu fauu released this 21 Oct 16:06
· 338 commits to master since this release



  • Option to log to a text file chunks that appear in the client in each session (chunk.log.dir).
  • Rejecting chunks based on user-provided regular expressions (chunk.filter.rejectPatterns). BREAKING CHANGE: A pattern used for filtering Textractor messages has been moved from within the program to the default config. If you already have a config, to have the filter back on, you need to set chunk.filter.rejectPatterns in your config to ["^Textractor"].
  • Transforming text of incoming chunks according to user-provided replacement rules before displaying them (chunk.transforms).
  • Partial config reload: Config is reloaded on config file modification and selected changes are applied immediately, while Kamite is running.
  • Option to automatically collapse the notebook UI component, so that just its tab bar is visible unless the notebook is being interacted with in some way (ui.notebook.collapse).
  • Custom CSS rules can now be applied per profile, using CSS classes named profile-PROFILENAME.


  • Rewrote the current chunk label UI component with improved performance.
  • Shortened the long-click duration needed to reset the character counter and the session timer.
  • Client UI icons can now be recolored with custom CSS.
  • Warnings are now displayed when unknown keys are present in user config.
  • Text transform action has gained an additional visually similar character.
  • Max. notebook height has been increased to 90%.
  • Updated the runtime from Java 18 to Java 19.


  • No longer occasionally quitely hangs during initialization when Control GUI is enabled.