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RSS API, but in rust


This is still a prototype, not fit for production yet. The API is still subject to breaking change, without warning. Use at our own risk!

Even if it is still a prototype, it's still open to issue, idea, any input.

This is my pet project to learn rust, so there is, and there will probably be a lot of bad code, but I'm here to learn so if you want to highlight something, you're more than welcome!

Api specification

You can find an openapi specification here


All the configuration must be pass through environment variables.

  • DATABASE_URL (required): The URL to the postgres database as postgres://POSTGRES_USER:POSTGRES_PASSWORD@HOST:5432/rss-aggregator
  • REDIS_URL: The redis URL as redis://HOST. Default redis://locahost
  • JWT_SECRET (required): String used as the key for JWT
  • RSS_AGGREGATOR_ALLOW_ACCOUNT_CREATION true/false (default false): Allow user to register an account. Otherwise, an admin should do it
  • POLLING_INTERVAL: The number of seconds between feeds update. Default 300
  • JAEGER_AGENT_ENDPOINT: If set to host:port, enable the Jaeger telemetry layer. Default not set
  • DD_AGENT_ENDPOINT: If set to http://host:port, enable the DataDog telemetry layer. Default not set
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_AGENT_HOST: Hostname/IP of the jaeger agent. Default localhost
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_AGENT_PORT: Port of the jaeger agent. Default 6831
  • RUST_LOG: (error/warn/info/debug/trace) Log level. Default info
  • SENTRY_DSN: Your sentry DSN if you have one. If not provided, disable sentry
  • FAILURE_THRESHOLD: Number of failure before automatically disabling a channel. If 0, never disable it. Default 3
  • FETCH_TIMEOUT: Timeout in seconds for RSS feed fetching. Default 3
  • RATE_LIMITING_BUCKET_SIZE: Set quota size that defines how many requests can occur before the governor middleware starts blocking requests from an IP address and clients have to wait until the elements of the quota are replenished. Default 100
  • RATE_LIMITING_FILL_RATE: Set the interval after which one element of the quota is replenished in seconds. Default 10
  • FETCH_CRON: Cron expression to determine when the scheduler should run. Default 0 0 * * * * (every hour)

What does it use

  • sqlx for migration
  • ActixWeb for, well, the web stuff
  • Tracing/Jaeger for logs and observability

How to launch it quickly

Using docker-compose

docker compose up

This will create the databases (postgres + redis), do the necessary migrations. You can uncomment all the jaeger related command if you want to enable it.

How to init/migrate database

Using docker-compose

If you use docker compose, the database migrations image will be build automatically and applied when you up the whole compose.

But if you don't want to use the entire docker compose. you can still build the image and use it for your own database.

docker compose build migrations #

# Run the migration against a containered database
docker run --link containered-postgres --rm -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://harss:harss@containered-postgres/harss rss-aggregator-migrations:latest sqlx migrate run

# Run the migration against the host's postgres
docker run --net host --rm -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://harss:harss@localhost/harss rss-aggregator-migrations:latest sqlx migrate run

Using sqlx-cli itself

Requires a rust toolchain

cargo install sqlx-cli --no-default-features --features native-tls,postgres
# Time to take a coffee brake ☕
DATABASE_URL="postgres://rss-aggregator:rss-aggregator@localhost/rss-aggregator" sqlx migrate run