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Focus 0.3.4

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@focus-editor focus-editor released this 07 Apr 01:43
· 474 commits to main since this release
  • New features:
    • Jumping to build errors is now supported. See the default config for examples and more information (thanks @jlami for the initial implementation)
      • Use the new commands go_to_next_build_error (F8 by default) and go_to_previous_build_error (Shift-F8 by default)
      • Double-clicking the file name in the build output will also jump to the error location (provided it matched the error regex)
      • You can add Ctrl to your key combo or double-click to open on the side, as usual (when the default keybinds are used)
    • Closing an editor will now remove the corresponding file from the open files list (only if it's not modified)
    • New Handmade Hero theme (thanks @Sokus)
    • Basic JS highlighting (thanks @simonvallz)
    • It is now possible to use variables in build and run commands: %FILE%, %FILE_DIR%, %FILE_NAME%, %FILE_NAME_NO_EXTENSION%, %BUILD_WORKING_DIR%, %RUN_WORKING_DIR% (see more information in the default config)
    • New options: window_width, window_height, window_x, window_y. Can be used to configure the initial size of the editor window.
    • Focus now allows auto loading projects at startup in one of the following ways:
      • By passing a project name as a parameter: focus -project "Project Name" or focus -project path/to/project.focus-config.
      • By passing in a directory path which contains a file named .focus-config. This file will be loaded as a Focus project.
      • By launching Focus from a directory containing a file named .focus-config.
  • Bug fixes:
    • C highlighting now supports identifiers which start with a UTF8 letter
  • Other changes:
    • Column number shown in the footer will now count the number of characters, not the visual offset (previously it would take tab size into account)
    • Configs will be migrated to version [3]. New settings, colors and keybinds will be automatically added.
    • C highlighting has been slightly improved