Single source for our web components and all javascript components as required. The aim is to avoid using npm for js components and fetching assets in projects from this repository to reduce space. None of the code for the assets in this repository is by or the authors of the repository, the aim of the repository is to collect assets likely to be used together in freeflowuniverse projects in the same place.
Each lib has an
script. The scripts are used to install the assets into the libraries in this repository.
in the root of the directory installs all assets. Note that this will fail if existing assets aren't removed
- TailwindCSS: Binaries taken from releases
- Docsify: JS and CSS taken from Docsify CDN
- Kepler: Kepler & Kepler SDK repositories
- OpenRPC: Built from Forked OpenRPC Inspector & OpenRPC Playground repository
- MDBooks: Binaries taken from releases