I want a methodology for styling
A way to think about it so I don't have to think about it
Currently at 4kb gzipped, 24kb minified
3 Types of Elements
- Containers // display: block
- Content Blocks // display: block
- Text Objects //display: inline-block
@import 's-color-palette'; // Need to build out refer others
@import 's-variables';
@import 's-breakpoints';
@import 'e-mixins'; //Don't need to touch unless adding mixin
@import 'e-reset'; //Don't touch, just default resetCSS
@import 'e-base'; // Fine tune this one
//Master Container Layout maybe a default on main?
@import 'u-containers';
// Aside? - what if asides have display none at certian media queries
//Border radius defaults
@import 'u-text';
// do we want a text component like ply/text?
// default word-wrap
// hr
// br
@import 'u-generic';
What are the Key components
@import 'c-form-input'; (Selects and Checkboxes)
@import 'c-button';
- Lists
- Tables
- Links
- Modal
What about true components like card or slider?