🔨 🔧 Some Projects that I have built: 👇

📃 ✏️ Latest Medium article written by me: 👇

Resoluções das questões e exemplos do livro Lógica de programação e Algoritmos com Javascript da Editora NOVATEC; Autor: Edécio Fernando Iepsen
A JavaScript Counter days tool developed to help people count their worked days on board on vessels.
A JavaScript Weather application that use OpenWeather API.
JavaScript tool to manager your incomes and expenses.
JavaScript 3
A simple breathing application to help with meditation, decrease your anxietyl and relax your mind. / Um aplicativo de respiração para ajudar na meditação, diminuir sua ansiedade e relaxar sua mente.
JavaScript 4
Exchange Rate tool built with Javascript, HTML5, CSS3 and using Exchange rates API