This is my submission for Shopify's Summer 2021 Developer Intern Challenge.
Pixel Push is a collaborative photo sharing application. It was designed for users to quickly consolidate and download photos from any event.
Start by creating a new album by inputting the name of the event and the date that it took place. This information will be publicly visible and can help others understand what this album is about. Next, upload any images related to the event. Finally, share the URL of the album for others to contribute their own photos or download photos in the album.
Users can be in three states when using the application (in relationship to an album):
- Creator - an authenticated user that created the album
- Contributor - an authenticated user that did not create the album
- Viewer - an unauthenticated user
Creators have full control over the album. They can upload photos and remove photos (including photos uploaded by other contributors). Creators can also delete an album including all the uploaded photos.
Contributors have the ability to upload photos to an album and can remove their own uploaded photos from an album. They are unable to remove photos uploaded by other contributors and cannot delete the album.
Viewers can only view and download the uploaded photos. Any viewer can log in and contribute to the album if they wish.
The increase in quality from the preview to the full resolution image is hard to tell in the gif. In this example, the image preview is around 38 KB and the full resolution image is around 9.5 MB.
What the creator of the album sees: