Downloads all RefSeq mitogenome records available for a given taxon
usage: [-h] [-f] TAXON_NAME
positional arguments:
TAXON_NAME Taxon name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --fasta Downloads records in fasta format (default: genbank)
Gets contig information from a multifasta file. Has to be used with one of three options (-c, -a, -r):
usage: python3 [-h] [-c | -a | -r ] infile
-c, --count Get a list of all contigs and their size
-a , --acc Get a single contig by ID (please provide description line without '>')
-r , --range Get sequence of all contigs inside a min-max length. Please provide the lower and upper limits such as '12000-18000'
-h, --help show help message and exit
Converts a single genbank file to fasta, printing its output to the screen.
usage: python3
Aligns a multifasta file using clustal omega (at the moment, needs clustalo-1.2.4-Ubuntu-x86_64 on $PATH to work) and converts this alignment into a relaxed (more than 10 characters allowed for sequence identifiers) phylip alignment with no line wrapping.
The phylip alignment output can be used for the generation of phylogenetic/phylogenomic trees using PartitionFinder2.
This scripts only works with sequences that are less than 1 Gbp in size.
usage: python3 [-h] [-t] multifasta.fa
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t , --type Type of data: {Protein, RNA or DNA(default)}
Converts .gff files generated by MitosWebServer to a modified .gff that can be exported to the Artemis Annotation tool.
usage: python3 filename.gff
Removes "score" values present in the annotation of MitosWebServer. The removal of the score values from seqin files is necessary in order to submit mitochondrial sequences to genbank.
usage: python3 remove_score_seqin annotated_sequence.seqin
Extracts reads (in fastq format) from a sam file.
usage: python3 [-h] [-P] file.sam
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-P, --paired Generates two paired-end data files (unpaired reads included)
Downloads a list of datasets in sra file format.
The script works by reading a text file (list of sra datasets) that should contain two collumns using tab as separators: Accession number and species name, as represented below:
ERR1306022 Species1
ERR7295165 Species2
ERR1306034 Species3
SRR4409513 Species4
At the moment, the wget is required. Please install it before running the script:
pip install wget
Script usage:
python3 dataset_list.txt
Splits a multigenbank in individual records, generating a genbank file ( for each.
Script usage: