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Gwilherm Baudic edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 5 revisions


The following GUI elements are supported by guisan:

  • Button: a colored button with a text caption
  • Checkbox
  • Container
  • Dropdown
  • Icon
  • ImageButton: a button which displays an image instead of a caption
  • ImageTextButton: a personal addition, which displays a button containing both an image and a caption next to each other
  • InputBox: again a personal addition subclassed from Window, to ask the user for a short text input (IP address, username...)
  • Label: a simple text
  • ListBox
  • MessageBox: a personal addition subclassed from Window, which allows to display a short text (warning, error, confirmation...) with a few buttons using user-specified texts
  • PasswordField: a personal addition, which is simply a Textfield displaying * instead of the actual characters.
  • ProgressBar: personal addition to be able to show a task being completed. Supports both a finite and "infinite" look. In both cases, updating the value to be shown has to be done manually in your code.
  • RadioButton
  • Scrollarea: container for widgets which may grow big. Useful to wrap Textbox, for example
  • Slider: lets the user pick a value in a defined range
  • Tabbedarea
  • Tab
  • Textbox: a multi-line area for text
  • Textfield: a single-line area for text
  • ToggleButton: personal addition, it is a text button which can keep its pressed state and can serve pretty much the same purpose as a checkbox
  • Window: a subwindow which appears inside your SDL window. It uses a custom layout.
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