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better final facing logic for 22
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glguy committed Dec 31, 2024
1 parent 721cc8c commit 9e8df90
Showing 1 changed file with 50 additions and 41 deletions.
91 changes: 50 additions & 41 deletions solutions/src/2022/22_alt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,87 +13,106 @@ module Main where

import Advent (stageTH, format)
import Advent.Coord (Coord(..), coordLines, above, below, left, origin, right)
import Advent.Permutation as P
import Advent.Permutation (Permutation, mkPermutation, invert)
import Advent.Search ( dfsOn )
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Control.Monad (msum)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)

data D = DL | DR


-- | Largest coordinate on a cube face named to make it easier to check
-- examples.
highVal :: Int
highVal = 49

-- |
-- >>> :main
-- 55267
main :: IO ()
main =
do (rawmap, path) <- [format|2022 22 (( |.|#)*!%n)*%n(%u|@D)*%n|]
let maze = explore (Set.fromList [c | (c, '.') <- coordLines rawmap])
let (endLoc, endFacing) = foldl (applyCommand maze) (originLoc, 0) path
endFacing' = fixFacing (locFace endLoc) endFacing
C y x = maze Map.! normalizeLoc endLoc
(endLoc, endFacing) = foldl (applyCommand maze) (originLoc, 0) path
Just (C y x) = onMaze maze endLoc
endFacing' = fixFacing maze endLoc endFacing
print (1000 * (y + 1) + 4 * (x + 1) + endFacing')

-- | Given the set of flat path coordinates compute the cube-coordinate
-- to flat coordinate map.
explore :: Set Coord -> Map Loc Coord
explore input = Map.fromList (dfsOn snd step (originLoc, Set.findMin input))
step (l, c) =
[(locRight l, right c) | right c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locLeft l, left c) | left c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locUp l, above c) | above c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locDown l, below c) | below c `Set.member` input]

applyCommand :: Map Loc Coord -> (Loc, Facing) -> Either Int D -> (Loc, Facing)
applyCommand maze (!here, !dir) = \case
Left n -> (walkN n dir here maze, dir)
Left n -> (walkN maze n dir here, dir)
Right t -> (here, turn t dir)

walkN :: Int -> Facing -> Loc -> Map Loc Coord -> Loc
walkN n dir here board
| let here' = move dir here, n > 0, normalizeLoc here' `Map.member` board = walkN (n - 1) dir here' board
| otherwise = here
-- | Walk a number of steps in the given direction
walkN :: Map Loc Coord -> Int -> Facing -> Loc -> Loc
walkN maze n dir here = last (takeWhile valid (take (n + 1) (iterate (move dir) here)))
where valid = isJust . onMaze maze

type S4 = Permutation 4
-- | Find the location in the input file corresponding to this
-- cube location if one exists.
onMaze :: Map Loc Coord -> Loc -> Maybe Coord
onMaze maze loc = msum (map (`Map.lookup` maze) (take 4 (iterate locRotate loc)))

-- X -->
-- Y v
-- Z up
-- lefthand rule curls clockwise
-- | Symmetric group S4 corresponds to the symmetries of a cube.
type S4 = Permutation 4

rotX, rotY, rotZ :: S4
rotX = mkPermutation ([3,0,1,2]!!)
rotY = mkPermutation ([2,0,3,1]!!)
rotZ = mkPermutation ([2,3,1,0]!!)

-- | A location is a cube-face and rotation paired with a location on that face
data Loc = Loc { locFace :: Permutation 4, locCoord :: Coord }
data Loc = Loc { locFace :: S4, locCoord :: Coord }
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

originLoc :: Loc
originLoc = Loc mempty origin

locRight :: Loc -> Loc
locRight (Loc p (C y x))
| x < 49 = Loc p (C y (x + 1))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> P.invert rotY) (C y 0)
| x < highVal = Loc p (C y (x + 1))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> invert rotY) (C y 0)

locLeft :: Loc -> Loc
locLeft (Loc p (C y x))
| 0 < x = Loc p (C y (x - 1))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotY) (C y 49)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotY) (C y highVal)

locDown :: Loc -> Loc
locDown (Loc p (C y x))
| y < 49 = Loc p (C (y + 1) x)
| y < highVal = Loc p (C (y + 1) x)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> rotX) (C 0 x)

locUp :: Loc -> Loc
locUp (Loc p (C y x))
| 0 < y = Loc p (C (y - 1) x)
| otherwise = Loc (p <> P.invert rotX) (C 49 x)

normalizeLoc :: Loc -> Loc
normalizeLoc (Loc p (C y x))
| P.index p 0 == 0 = Loc p (C y x)
| otherwise = normalizeLoc (Loc (p <> rotZ) (C x (49 - y)))
| otherwise = Loc (p <> invert rotX) (C highVal x)

fixFacing :: S4 -> Facing -> Facing
fixFacing p n
| P.index p 0 == 0 = n `mod` 4
| otherwise = fixFacing (p <> rotZ) (n-1)
locRotate :: Loc -> Loc
locRotate (Loc p (C y x)) = Loc (p <> rotZ) (C x (highVal - y))

originLoc :: Loc
originLoc = Loc mempty origin
-- | Rotate the facing until we're on the cube face as it
-- is oriented on the input text.
fixFacing :: Map Loc Coord -> Loc -> Facing -> Facing
fixFacing maze loc n
| Map.member loc maze = n
| otherwise = fixFacing maze (locRotate loc) (turn DR n)

type Facing = Int

Expand All @@ -107,13 +126,3 @@ move 1 = locDown
move 2 = locLeft
move 3 = locUp
move _ = error "move: bad facing"

explore :: Set Coord -> Map Loc Coord
explore input = Map.fromList
[(normalizeLoc l, c) | (l, c) <- dfsOn snd step (originLoc, Set.findMin input)]
step (l, c) =
[(locRight l, right c) | right c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locLeft l, left c) | left c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locUp l, above c) | above c `Set.member` input] ++
[(locDown l, below c) | below c `Set.member` input]

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