OpenContrail Containers with Openstack Kolla
Opencontrail 4.0 introduce a containerized Contrail architecture where users can run all the Contrail components (control/config, analytics, analyticsdb and vRouter-agent) as Docker containers. This document enables users to install OpenContrail with Openstack-Kolla. Contrail-ansible provisions contrail containers and kolla-ansible provisions Openstack-Kolla (openstack containers), kolla-ansible is provided with the required parameters to use customized nova-compute and neutron containers with required changes to enable contrail functionalities.
All the Contrail containers are available publicly through Docker hub.
- Users can use a single server or a VM. Multinode cluster can be installed with the instructions mentioned in the installation section of the document.
- Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, Kernel: 4.4.0-62-generic
- The host VM/Machine must satisfy the following minimum requirements
- 2 network interfaces (primary network interface with IP will be used as contrail-vrouter interface and openstack services interface, the second interface can be without IP address and is mostly unusable)
- 32GB main memory (to enable considrable usage of the cluster)
- 150GB disk space
- Root access to the machine is required
- Playbooks to install Contrail-Controller, Contrail-Analytics, Contrail-AnalyticsDB
- This installs Contrail-Vrouter-Agent container which pushes required configuration to the kernel and enable vRouter
- Users can provide the configuration based on their environment in all.yml and hosts file
- Playbooks to install all Openstack services as containers
- Required parameters to use customized neutron and nova containers from Contrail repo are set in globals.yml
- Users can use all-in-one inventory file to provision a single node Contrail and Openstack cluster. Users can use Multinode inventory file with required configuration to install a multinode cluster
Users can deploy Openstack using openstack-kolla first, followed by contrail-ansible. The configuration required is as follows:
# This should be the primary interface with IP address configured. network_interface: "ens3"
This interface is what all the api services will be bound to by default. The same interface will be also used for contrail-vRouter physical interface.
# This should be the second interface without IP address and mostly dormant and unusable. neutron_external_interface: "ens4"
This is the raw interface given to neutron as its external network port. Even though an IP address can exist on this interface, it will be unusable in most configuration.
# This should be the management address on the host, ens3 IP address which is the network_interface mentioned above. contrail_api_interface_address: ""
All the passwords in the configuration are set to "contrail1". If users intend to change the passwords the file can be updated.
all-in-one: all the configuration can be left unchanged in case of a single node install
[control] localhost ansible_connection=local [network] localhost ansible_connection=local [compute] localhost ansible_connection=local [storage] localhost ansible_connection=local [monitoring] localhost ansible_connection=local [deployment] localhost ansible_connection=local
multinode: users can use this configuration file to install multinode-cluster
[control] # These hostname must be resolvable from your deployment host 1ocata [network] ocata1 [compute] ocata2 [monitoring] ocata1 [storage] ocata1
Change the management IP address in the fields below. In case of a all-in-one cluster all the IP addresses should be the same. For multinode cluster multiple IP addresses can be provided in all the fields as required.
# Enable contrail-repo when required - this will start a contrail apt or yum repo container on specified node # This repo will be used by other nodes on installing any packages in the node # setting up contrail-cni need this repo enabled # NOTE: Repo is required only for mesos and nested mode kubernetes ;[contrail-repo] ; [contrail-controllers] [contrail-analyticsdb] [contrail-analytics] [contrail-compute] ## # Only enable if you setup with openstack (when cloud_orchestrator is openstack) ## [openstack-controllers]
Change the external_rabbitmq_servers to the host_ip, the same IP address used in the configuration above. If the user changes the default password the same should be updated in the rabbitmq_config below.
# global_config: global_config: { external_rabbitmq_servers: } rabbitmq_config: { user: openstack, password: contrail1 }
Change the keystone_ip in keystone_config below, this should be the same address as mentioned above in the rabbitmq configuration
keystone_config: {ip:, admin_password: contrail1, auth_protocol: http}
The primary interface with IP address on the host. THis should be the same interfaces mentioned in 'network_interface' section in globals.yml in the openstack_kolla configuration.
# vrouter physical interface vrouter_physical_interface: ens3
Install the following dependencies on the host:
apt-get update
apt-get install python-pip sshpass python-oslo-config python-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev qemu-kvm
pip install -U pip
pip install -U ansible #Upgrades pip to the latest version
pip install pyOpenSSL==16.2.0
Install latest Docker on the host. The installation scripts installs older version of Docker by default.
curl -sSL | bash
Follow the sequence of installation steps:
- OpenContrail-Kolla/kolla-ansible/ansible/
Bootstrap Host
ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one -e @../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=bootstrap-servers kolla-host.yml
Deploy Openstack Containers-Kolla
ansible-playbook -vvv -i inventory/all-in-one -e @../etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @../etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e action=deploy site.yml
Copy keys for password less access and disable host_checking
Generate keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
copy keys:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ root@
Install Contrail Containers
ansible-playbook -i inventory/my-inventory site.yml