A simple lightweight wrapper for the SharedPreferences Flutter package. Simple Database provides an abstraction layer for storing objects instead of key, value pairs. This makes it very easy to get a quick local storage solution up and running.
Please feel free to contribute
Please add simple_database
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file
You can easily setup a database of primitive types just by assigning it a name, Simple Database will init the DB if it has not been created yet on the phone for you.
void main() async {
SimpleDatabase names = SimpleDatabase(name: 'names');
await names.add('Bob');
await names.add('Doug');
for (var name in await names.getAllType<String>()) {
You can use a single database that stores multiple primitive types and then specify what type you want from the database.
void main() async {
SimpleDatabase names = SimpleDatabase(name: 'names');
await names.add('Bob');
await names.add(150)
await names.add('Doug');
//Print out all strings in the db
for (var name in await names.getAllType<String>()) {
//Print out at an index, with a type
var number = await names.getAtType<int>(1);
You can store your own objects you have created easily just by implementing 2 functions in the class. toJson and fromJson. You will need to pass the fromJson function to the constructor of SimpleDatabase if you want it to rebuild the json into your object. You do not need this, it will just return a hash map with the values from your object if the function is not provided.
class SimpleClass {
final int age;
final String name;
final double height;
final bool gender;
SimpleClass(this.age, this.name, this.height, this.gender);
//Implement fromJson - Required
SimpleClass.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) : age = json['age'], name = json['name'], height = json['height'], gender = json['gender'];
//Implement toJson - Required
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'age': age,
'name' : name,
'height' : height,
'gender' : gender,
void main() async {
SimpleDatabase classDB = SimpleDatabase(name: 'class', fromJson: (fromJson) => SimpleClass.fromJson(fromJson));
SimpleClass john = SimpleClass(18, 'John', 5.2, true);
await classDB.add(john);
SimpleClass person = await classDB.getAtType<SimpleClass>(0);
- Built in encryption of stored json strings
- Better documentation