Hello 👋, I'm Guada!
- I'm a PhD student in Politics and Government and a member of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Computational Social Science at University of Maryland. Previously, I studied Data Science at University of Essex.
- I conduct analyses on public opinion, social media, democracy, and social networks using R and Python 👩💻.
- I used to teach Statistics and Computational Methods at the University of Buenos Aires in the seminar Laboratorio de Politicas Públicas, as well as at FLACSO, UNSAM and EANT focusing on data science 👥🔬.
- Shiny App about Politicians from Argentina on Twitter👨💼
- PoliticxsentwitteR R package🔷📦
- Misinformaiton and bots during the pandemic💉🤖
- Bots in Congress📱
- Classes in the University of Buenos Aires🏛️
- Unofficial University of Maryland R Package🐢❤️