Goes through large amounts of satellite ocean imagery looking for something interesting.
Satellite imagery is amazing. It makes it so easy to see things that just a short time ago could only be imagined. The only problem? There's so much of it. A person could spend days downloading large image files and looking through them for items of interest. Wouldn't it be nice if there were a utility that'd help do that? That's exactly what this project does.
It's a Python script with dependencies on OpenCV, NumPy, and SimpleJSON. Within most Python environments something like:
pip install opencv-contrib-python numpy simplejson
will make this happen for you.
It requires a SkyWatch API key to get access to satellite data (contact info@skywatch.co to get yours). Help on using it is built in. Type
./SatelitoVido.py --help
in the same folder in which it is installed to get the full rundown on how to make it work.