Since 2013, the Citi Bike Program has implemented a robust infrastructure for collecting data on the program's utilization. Through the team's efforts, each month bike data is collected, organized, and made public on the Citi Bike Data webpage.
- Citi Bike Trip Data (Jan 2018 - Jun 2018)
- Citi Bike Daily Ridership and Membership Data (Jan 2018 - Jun 2018)
Trip data was clean and processed by Python (trip_data_processing.ipynb). Ridership and membership data was processed by Excel.
- Design 2-5 visualizations for phenomena discovered between Jan 2018 and June 2018 in terms of the following questions:
- By what percentage has total ridership grown?
- How does the ridership change by gender, ticket type or age?
- What are the top 10 stations in the city for starting a journey?
- What are the top 10 stations in the city for ending a journey?
Use visualizations to design a dashboard for each phenomena. The dashboards should be accompanied with an analysis explaining why the phenomena may be occuring.
Create a dynamic map that shows how each station's popularity changes monthly with zip code data overlaid on the map. The map should also be accompanied by a write-up unveiling any trends that were noticed during analysis.
Create a Tableau story that brings together the visualizations, requested maps, and dashboards. Be sure to make it professional, logical, and visually appealing.!/vizhome/NYC_Bike/Story1