This module provides network utility functions.
const net_utils = require('haraka-net-utils')`
// Convert IPv4 to long
const long = net_utils.ip_to_long('') // 185999660
// Convert long to IPv4
const ip = net_utils.long_to_ip(185999660) //
// Convert decimal to hex
const hex = net_utils.dec_to_hex(20111104) // 132df00
// Convert hex to decimal
const dec = net_utils.hex_to_dec('132df00') // 20111104
// Is IPv4 address on a local network?
net_utils.is_local_ipv4('') // true (localhost)
net_utils.is_local_ipv4('') // true (link local)
net_utils.is_local_ipv4('') // false
// Is IPv4 address in RFC 1918 reserved private address space?
net_utils.is_private_ipv4('') // true
net_utils.is_private_ipv4('') // true
net_utils.is_private_ipv4('') // true
// Is IPv6 addr on local network?
net_utils.is_local_ipv6('::1') // true (localhost)
net_utils.is_local_ipv6('fe80::') // true (link local)
net_utils.is_local_ipv6('fc00::') // true (unique local)
net_utils.is_local_ipv6('fd00::') // true (unique local)
Determines if an IPv4 or IPv6 address is on a "private" network. For IPv4, returns true if is_private_ipv4 or is_local_ipv4 are true For IPv6, returns true if is_local_ipv6 is true
Checks to see if a host name matches our server hostname or resolves to any local ip. Local IPs include those bound to a local network interface and public IPs discovered with STUN.
Checks to see if an IP is bound locally or an IPv4 or IPv6 localhost address.
// searches for 'ip' as a hash key in the list object or array
// ip can be a host, an IP, or an IPv4 or IPv6 range
net_utils.ip_in_list(object, ip)
net_utils.ip_in_list(array, ip)
net_utils.ip_in_list(tls.no_tls_hosts, '')
Returns an array of all the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the provided hostname.
try {
const ips = await net_utils.get_ips_by_host(domain)
for (const ip of ips) {
// do something with the IPs
} catch (err) {
// handle any errors
try {
const mxList = await net_utils.get_mx(domain)
for (const mx of mxList) {
// do something with each mx
} catch (err) {
// handle any errors
An object class representing a MX. HarakaMx objects may contain the following properties:
exchange: '', // required: a FQDN or IP address
path: '', // the file path to a socket
priority: 0, // integer, a MX priority.
port: 25, // integer: an alternate port
bind: '', // an outbound IP address to bind to
bind_helo: '', // an outbound helo hostname
using_lmtp: false, // boolean, specify LMTP delivery
auth_user: '', // an AUTH username (required if AUTH is desired)
auth_pass: '', // an AUTH password (required if AUTH is desired)
auth_type: '', // an AUTH type that should be used with the MX.
from_dns: '', // the DNS name from which the MX was queried
Create a HarakaMx object in The Usual Way:
const nu = require('haraka-net-utils')
const myMx = new nu.HarakaMx(parameter)
The parameter can be one of:
- A string in any of the following formats:
- hostname
- hostname:port
- IPv4
- IPv4:port
- IPv6
- A URL string
- smtp://
- lmtp://
- smtp://
- An object, containing at least an exchange, and any of the other properties listed at the top of this section.
An optional second parameter is an alias for from_dns.