Skyline Builder is a browser-based web game developed using JavaScript and the KaplayJS game library.
I developed this web game for:
🔸 Skill Showcase: This project demonstrates my ability to build interactive and visually appealing web applications using JavaScript.
🔸 Networking with Game Developers: I aim to connect with like-minded developers and explore opportunities to collaborate in the web game development community.
🔸 Contribution to Web Game Ecosystem: By sharing this project, I hope to inspire others and contribute to the growing field of browser-based games.
- 🎮 Fun, simple and interactive gameplay
- 🎈 Easy to play, minimal controls
- ⚡ Lightweight and fast, thanks to KaplayJS
- 🌐 Accessible on all modern browsers
🔸Try it out here: Skyline Builder
Designed and Developed by Hardick Raj
- Email:
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- X (twitter):
This project comes under MIT license: (Free to use but credits required)