This is a FoodOrderApp project which uses the MVVM architecture and includes features such as displaying dishes, adding them to cart, and editing the cart. These features are implemented using Retrofit, Hilt, Data Binding, and Glide libraries, with data provided by a dummy API. The application also includes Firebase Authentication for user login.
The app includes the following features:
- Firebase Authentication for user login
- Display dishes from API
- Searching through the menu
- Add dishes to cart
- Edit cart
To use the app, follow these steps:
- Open the app on your Android device.
- Login using your Google account.
- Browse the menu to find dishes you want to order.
- Add dishes to your cart.
- Edit your cart as needed.
- Use the search feature to find dishes by name or keyword.
To install and run the app, follow these steps:
- Clone or download the project code from the repository.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Find and include the Google Services JSON file for Firebase Authentication. (Instructions on how to obtain this file can be found in the Firebase Console documentation.)
- Build and run the app on an Android emulator or device.
The following technologies and libraries were used in the development of this app:
- Kotlin
- MVVM Architecture
- Retrofit
- Hilt
- Data Binding
- Glide
- Firebase Authentication