The Movies App Compose is an Android application developed in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose. App enables users to search for their favorite movie and access detailed information about them. This app uses various widely-used Jetpack and third party libraries, including Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Hilt, Navigation and Coil.
The Movies App Compose offers the following features:
- Movie Search: Users can search for movies by their title.
- Detailed Movie Information: Users can view comprehensive details about a movie, including its title, poster, release date, rating, and a brief overview.
To use the Movies App, follow these steps:
- Open the app.
- Enter a movie title in the search bar and press search button.
- Wait for the search results to load.
- Click on a movie to view its details.
To install the Movie App, follow these steps:
- Clone or download the project code from the repository.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the app on an Android emulator or device.
The following technologies and libraries were used in the development of this app:
- Kotlin
- Android Studio
- Jetpack Compose
- Retrofit
- Hilt
- Navigation
- Coil