Women in engineering portal is to connect the industrialists with the wise(women in software engineering) program participants.
This project does not require any proprietary API or product.
- To build a strong community for women in technology.
- The companies can hire the best women in technology from one place.
- Students
- Allows you to add and edit your Profile and Resume.
- Displays the feedback and grade points provided by your mentor.
- Companies
- Dashboard displays the profile and feedback of a student.
- Implemented elastic and tab search depending on the fields of interest.
- Faculty
- Adds students info by scraping the csv file uploaded.
- Allows the faculty to manually add and edit student information.
- Login and sessions
- Search bar
- Improve UI. (As for now, segregated 9 files to which if anyone made changes without changing the ids, the person can customize the UI)
This repository / project was a part of the Women in engineering program project. It was completed within a week without pre-peration.