This is my custom repository for packages that I use on my Arch Linux systems. You can make one too.
To use this repository add the following to your /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =$arch
- Aleph One is the open source continuation of Bungie’s Marathon 2 game engine
- brother-mfcj425w Printer driver with my buffer overflow bugfix
- BugD simple Bug Database using SQLite and GTK.
- fbautostart XDG compliant autostarter
- fortune-mod-havamal The Olive Bray translation of The Havamal as fortune cookies
- grub-theme-victoria a simple steampunk grub theme that I put together.
- HilDE is a lightweight desktop environment
- lwm lightweight window manager
- MTag music file tag manipulator
- termit terminal emulator including my topMenu option enabled by default
- ttf-toroid is Droid fonts with slashed zeros (provides ttf-font)