you can install this project by issuing the following command:
stack install
When installation is succesful and complete, look for the following lines:
Copied executables to /..SOME_PATH../bin:
- calcParser-exe
You should be able to call the executable:
- /..SOME_PATH../bin/calcParser-exe
Alternatively to run the program - you can also type the command:
stack run
You may view the results of our test instances we made with the command:
stack test
When running the program your input should be in the format derive(variable you are deriving in terms of, expression) for example:
derive(x, x^2)
You must use parenthesis around functions to control what is considered input such as:
derive(x, (x^2) + (2*x) + 3)
To see the reults of just our Expression parser you can first run :
stack ghci
And then 'parseTest pExpr "expression"' such as these:
parseTest pExpr "derive(x, sin(x) + (x^2))"
parseTest pExpr "(x^4) + (2 * (x^2)) + 7"
We have created a calculus solver with the following modules:
Calc.hs - declares our data types. We have included instances deriving Eq which we use for our calculations and instances deriving Show which we use for printing our output.
Parser.hs - contains our parser to take in a string and return expressions. We also include a parser for laws which are written in Laws.txt and read in at the Main.
Implementation.hs - contains our matchFunc, our apply function, and rewrites. Here is where we match expressions to laws in order to perform the derivation.
- We have use a special for p and q in our law handling in order to take care of constants
Output.hs - stepList calls rewrites and doMath recursively until we can no longer rewrite the function applying the laws in order to create a list of Steps associated with a law name. The last function final is used in main to handle the error from using parse from megaParsec.
- We also implemented simple math in the case that two constants are separated by a binary operator. It should then do the math on the constants.
Laws.hs - includes our parsed list of laws - not necessary for running the code but could be useful for testing.
Laws.txt - this file includes all our laws for taking derivatives which is parsed and used in the main
Main.hs - First it takes in our law list, parses it, and creates a list of Law objects. Then it takes in an expression from stdin and parses it and then calls final on the parsed expression and prints it for the user!
We have used several libraries and tutorials which we cite in comments- including Megaparsec
You can find our github repo here:
The function simplify in Output.hs allows our app to add constants when they are left in the final solution step. You can see this in test case 6 where the derivative of 3x + 2x is 5 and in test case 7 the derivative of x^(2+3) adds them to get x^5 in the first step and then the correct final answer.
Winter 2020: Himadri Narasimhamurthy, Ali Hagen, assistance from Prof. Joosten and from the textbook Thinking Functionally With Haskell.
Thank you so much for your help!
We would love to get this working with a web UI - unfortunately we did not have the time to do so but we are going to keep working on it!