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LITEFINE edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 12 revisions

Description of core idea

MCBootstrap was created to simplify repetitive work with servers and scripts, such as start or stop, autorestart, boot all from specific folder, etc. Everything is managed through the console, similar to the principle of working with the console of minecraft servers. I know that there are many scripts that perform similar functions, but MCBootstrap has a number of advantages: high performance, the presence of a clear and beautiful interface, versatility of settings and the ability to write your own add-ons on Java just like plugins for bukkit. Because of this, you can, for example, create a system that will maximize the use of all available resources. Simplify your life.

Installation and setup

After all you need to install the app according to the instructions in section Installation of README file. When you first run the application creates a root folder MCBootstrap with all necessary files:

  • config.yml - main configuration file, [example with example with comments here][(, full description on Config setup wiki page
  • logs folder - each time you launch MCBootstrap, a new log file will be created here, any actions are recorded.
  • extensions folder - for developers, place for your .jar addons, described in detail on Extensions development wiki page

Work with the application

The main job with MCBootstrap is to work with the configuration file, so it's time to introduce you to the basic concept of work.

Config file has section named Booting Objects, booting object this is what MCBootstrap works with. Each object has ability to be started or stoped, all its activity is observed and logged into files and and displayed in the console. Booting object has 4 different types described in detail on About booting object types wiki page.

In short, MCBootstrap can run just servers, all servers from any folder, create a certain number of servers in the desired folder, using a ready-made server from a specific folder, as well as run applications (scripts), also located in some specific folder. For each server, folder with servers, or applications, you can specify a specific command to start and stop what you need, using some advanced parameters. Such parameters, for example, can be the host or port for starting the server. For server folders and server clones, it is possible to set the first port from which the first server will be running, for the rest of the servers it will be incremented.

Everything works through the GNU Screen utility, which means that each server or script will have its own terminal with the appropriate name, which you can configure using Settings section in config.yml.