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Duplicates Handling - added feature
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hodel33 committed May 28, 2024
1 parent a69f34b commit 2247c7b
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Showing 10 changed files with 163 additions and 41 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ I designed this Python application to automate the process of downloading and or
- **Folder Organization**: Organizes downloaded maps into directories based on their rating.
- **File Organization**: Each file is named with the gameplay type, difficulty and star rating for easy identification of map characteristics.
- **Configurable Settings**: Customizable settings through a configuration file (`config.ini`).
- **Duplicate Handling**: Detects and manages duplicate maps, ensuring that only unique maps are organized.
- **Error Handling**: Robust error-handling mechanisms including retries and exponential backoff for HTTP requests.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,14 +122,22 @@ Upon launching the application, the main menu displays the current settings from
- **Organizing Maps**: After all maps have been downloaded, they are automatically sorted into subdirectories for easier access, organized based on their star rating. Additionally, each map file is systematically named to reflect its gameplay type, difficulty and star rating, allowing for quick identification of the map's characteristics.
- **Organizing Maps**: After all maps have been downloaded, they are automatically sorted into subdirectories for easier access, organized based on their star rating. Additionally, each map file is systematically named to reflect its gameplay type, difficulty and star rating, allowing for quick identification of the map's characteristics. Maps with non-bfg extensions are moved to a separate 'non-bfg' folder.


![Screenshot 4](readme_screens/bmd_screen_4.png)


- **Handling Duplicates**: Lastly, the app incorporates a feature to detect and manage duplicate maps. If duplicate maps are encountered, they are intelligently handled by moving them to a designated 'duplicates' folder and a `@duplicates.txt` file is generated inside the same folder, containing details like map name, ID, author, and file size. This ensures that only unique maps are organized, avoiding unnecessary duplicates.


![Screenshot 5](readme_screens/bmd_screen_5.png)


## 🔧 Usage (Configuration)

### Customizable settings
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import os
from pathlib import Path
import configparser
from collections import defaultdict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Third-party libraries -> requirements.txt
import requests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,40 +304,6 @@ def get_existing_workshop_ids(directory):
return existing_ids

def organize_files_by_rating(directory):
Organize files into directories based on their rating.
# Create target directories if they do not exist
target_directories = {
'5': directory / '5 Stars',
'4': directory / '4 Stars',
'3-': directory / '3 Stars and less',
'bfd': directory / 'bfd'

for folder in target_directories.values():

# Function to determine the appropriate folder based on star rating
def get_target_folder(file_name):

if file_name.endswith('.bfd'):
return target_directories['bfd']

parts = file_name.split('-')
if len(parts) > 2 and parts[0]:
star_rating = parts[0][-1] # Last character of the first part
return target_directories.get(star_rating, target_directories['3-'])
return None

# Move files into the appropriate folders
for file_path in directory.iterdir():
if file_path.is_file():
target_folder = get_target_folder(
if target_folder:
file_path.rename(target_folder /

def _try_request(url, max_retries=4, delay=3, timeout=9):
Attempt an HTTP GET request with retries and exponential backoff.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,6 +365,140 @@ def display_settings_info():
if user_input == 'q':

def organize_files(directory):
Organize files into directories based on their rating and extension (bfg).
# Create target directories if they do not exist
target_directories = {
'5': directory / '5 Stars',
'4': directory / '4 Stars',
'3-': directory / '3 Stars and less',
'non-bfg': directory / 'non-bfg'

for folder in target_directories.values():

# Function to determine the appropriate folder based on star rating
def get_target_folder(file_name):

# Put all maps which doesn't have .bfg as extension in a different folder
if not file_name.endswith('.bfg'):
return target_directories['non-bfg']

parts = file_name.split('-')
if len(parts) > 2 and parts[0]:
star_rating = parts[0][-1] # Last character of the first part
return target_directories.get(star_rating, target_directories['3-'])
return None

# Move files into the appropriate folders
for file_path in directory.iterdir():
if file_path.is_file():
target_folder = get_target_folder(
if target_folder:
file_path.rename(target_folder /

def process_duplicates(directory, duplicate_maps):
Process duplicate files by moving duplicates to a specified folder and writing their details to a text file.
# Create the 'duplicates' directory if it doesn't already exist
duplicates_dir = directory / 'duplicates'

duplicates_info = []
for (map_name, author), files in duplicate_maps.items():
files_sorted = sorted(files, key=lambda x: int(x[0]), reverse=True) # Sort by ID in descending order
main_file = files_sorted[0]

duplicates_info.append((map_name, author, 'Main', main_file[0], main_file[1]))
for file in files_sorted[1:]:
file_id, file_size, filepath = file # Unpack file details
# Move duplicate files to the duplicates folder
file[2].rename(duplicates_dir /
duplicates_info.append((map_name, author, 'Dupl', file_id, file_size))

# Sort duplicates_info by map_name and then by author
duplicates_info.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))

# Write duplicates info to @duplicates.txt
duplicates_txt_path = duplicates_dir / '@duplicates.txt'
with open(duplicates_txt_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
current_map_name = None
current_author = None
for map_name, author, status, map_id, size in duplicates_info:
if map_name != current_map_name or author != current_author:
if current_map_name is not None:
current_map_name = map_name
current_author = author
f.write(f"'{map_name}' by {author}\n")
f.write(f"{status} - ID {map_id} - Size (B) {size}\n")

def list_duplicate_maps(directory):
Scans for .bfg files in a directory and identifies duplicates by name and size, returning a dictionary with map names and file sizes.
map_details = defaultdict(list)
duplicates = {}

# Use rglob to recursively search for all files
for filepath in directory.rglob('*.bfg'): # This ensures only .bfg files are considered
filename = filepath.stem # Get the filename without the extension
parts = filename.split('-')
if len(parts) > 2:
map_id = parts[1] # Assuming the ID is always the second part
map_name = '-'.join(parts[2:]) # Combine everything after the second dash
file_size = filepath.stat().st_size # Get file size in bytes

# Extract author info from the file
file_info = extract_info_from_bfg(filepath)
author = file_info.get('author', '<unknown>') # Use '<unknown>' if author not found

map_details[(map_name, author)].append((map_id, file_size, filepath))

# Identify duplicates and collect their IDs
for (map_name, author), ids in map_details.items():
if len(ids) > 1:
duplicates[(map_name, author)] = ids

return duplicates

def extract_info_from_bfg(file_path):
Extracts information from a .bfg map file.
start_tag = b'<?xml'
end_tag = b'</CampaignHeader>'
chunk_size = 1024 # Adjust as needed to ensure the entire XML is captured

with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
content =

xml_start_index = content.find(start_tag)
xml_end_index = content.find(end_tag) + len(end_tag)

if xml_start_index == -1 or xml_end_index == -1:
# raise ValueError(f"Invalid .bfg file format: XML header not found in file {file_path}")
return {} # Return empty info if XML header not found

xml_content = content[xml_start_index:xml_end_index].decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')

# Parse the XML content
root = ET.fromstring(xml_content)
except ET.ParseError as e:
# raise ValueError(f"XML parsing error in file {file_path}: {e}")
return {} # Return empty info if XML parsing fails

tags = ['name', 'author', 'description', 'length', 'md5', 'hasBrotalityScoreboard', 'hasTimeScoreBoard', 'gameMode']
info = {tag: (root.find(tag).text if root.find(tag) is not None else '') for tag in tags}

return info

if __name__ == '__main__':

Expand All @@ -420,7 +522,15 @@ def display_settings_info():

successfully_downloaded_maps = download_all_maps(all_map_urls)

# Organize files into directories based on their rating and extension (bfg)

# Get duplicate maps info
duplicate_maps = list_duplicate_maps(maps_directory)

# Process duplicate maps
process_duplicates(maps_directory, duplicate_maps)

print(f"************ DOWNLOAD COMPLETE ************")
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Binary file added broforce_map_downloader_1.1.exe
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions config.ini
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number_of_pages = 3

# Number of items per page (9, 18, 30)
maps_per_page = 18
maps_per_page = 30

# Time period in days (-1, 1, 7, 90, 180, 365), -1 = All Time
time_period = -1

# Gameplay types to include (see below)
gameplay_types = 135
gameplay_types = 13

# Difficulty levels to include (see below)
difficulty_levels = 1
difficulty_levels = 12

# Gameplay Type
# ----------------------
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion readme.txt
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Maps are named in the format 'XYZ-123456789-Map Title.bfg', where:
> 123456789 = Steam Workshop ID
> X = Gameplay Type (1-Standard, 2-Puzzle, 3-Story, etc.)
> X = Gameplay Type (1-Standard, 2-Puzzle, 3-Story, 4-Experimental,
5-Challenge, 6-Deathmatch)
> Y = Difficulty Level (1-Normal, 2-Challenging, 3-Brotal)
> Z = Star Rating (0-5, 0 = not enough ratings)
Binary file added readme_screens/bmd_screen_5.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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