405 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What’s Changed
- #575 - Change the default subscription ceiling to 60 seconds (@marcelveldt)
- #576 - Change log level of deprecated subscribe attribute (@marcelveldt)
- #572 - Some improvements to the operational node discovery using mdns (@marcelveldt)
- #573 - Switch (back) to a single wildcard subscription per node (@marcelveldt)
- #574 - Extend sleep in release action (@marcelveldt)
- #568 - Delay marking a node as unavailable (@marcelveldt)
- #556 - Filter Matter SDK logging in SDK (@agners)
- #555 - Remove black and flake8 from dev dependencies (now handled by ruff) (@marcelveldt)
- #554 - Fix small typo in the develop script for the dashboard (@marcelveldt)
- #545 - Fetch all Git certs and prefer them (@priyankub)
- #547 - Add (preparations for) an initial basic dashboard (@balloob)
⬆️ Dependencies and CI
11 changes
- #570 - Delay building of the container after publishing to PyPi (@marcelveldt)
- #571 - Skip push to main branch check in test workflow push (@marcelveldt)
- #569 - Enforce alphabetical sorting in ruff isort (@marcelveldt)
- #567 - A few small improvements to the linter config (@marcelveldt)
- #562 - Bump pytest from 7.4.4 to 8.0.1 (@dependabot)
- #560 - Bump pre-commit from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2 (@dependabot)
- #561 - Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.3 (@dependabot)
- #564 - Bump ruff from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 (@dependabot)
- #550 - Bump actions/configure-pages from 3.0.6 to 4.0.0 (@dependabot)
- #551 - Bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.0 to 4.0.2 (@dependabot)
- #543 - Adjust the linter config (@marcelveldt)